Where Stories Come to Life

Driven by a Passion for Creating Original, Engaging Works That Captivate Audiences Worldwide


A Visionary Film Production Company

Established in the early 2000s by Luke Launer and Scott Hadzig, Shilling Entertainment is a dedicated endeavour that originated in primary school and blossomed into a full-fledged film production company in high school. Our founders, driven by a passion for creating original, audience-appealing works, meticulously crafted the official company name and logo, a design that has evolved over time. Our early ventures into merchandise design, including t-shirts and weekend film projects, laid the groundwork for our future endeavours.

Our Services

Today, we offer a comprehensive suite of services in the video and film production industry. From music videos and showreels to scenes, promos, trailers, and TV commercials, we specialise in post-production and editing services, ensuring the highest quality content for our clients.

Shilling Entertainment

Our History

After years of dedication, co-founder Scott Hadzig decided to pursue other opportunities, leaving the company in the capable hands of Luke Launer. Luke took the initiative to register the business as an Official Australian Registered Business and partnered with childhood friend Josh McCallum, a talented website designer, to enhance our online presence and strengthen our foundations. Contact us today to discuss how we can collaborate and bring your vision to life.